I was pretty pumped to try this DIPA from Camp #29. I love IPAs and imperial IPAs and lately, there's also double IPAs. I don't recall seeing many being labeled as DIPAs until recently. Rather than being straight-up imperial IPAs, there appears to be a bit of a distinction, in my experience. DIPAs are certainly stronger than IPAs but a touch lower in ABV than IPAs. This one is 8.5%ABV. The malt character is still present, and there is noticeable restraint on the hopping. The result should be a extra hoppy but still well-balanced IPA with an extra kick in the pants. Imperial IPAs, I find to be more "no brakes, no brakes!". So DIPAs are waltzing a fine line between IPA and imperial IPA.
Anyway, the pour was a hazy orange. The head retention wasn't great but swirling the glass halfway through, I could produce a luxurious, superfine head. There wasn't much I could get out of it at that point other than big ass hops. And hoppy, it was. Well-balanced too. No blowouts or 1-D stuff here. Not a hop bomb but more like a hop cluster bomb, superbly complex, persistent, and long-lasting. Finish was clean with no stickiness, excess resin, or off-flavors. The glass even finished clean, no lacing.
Maybe it's the homebrew character that makes me dig it so much, but I like this beer a lot. There's a million IPAs out there, but this one was made by a regular guy at beer camp and that's awesome. It's a confident beer. I don't think I would want to sit down and have more than one or two though, especially on its own. Even typical bar snacks may not hold up well here, but a spicy (specifically Thai) entree might be good.
- Appearance: A bit hazy, orange straw color; Again, head retention issues.
- Smell: Musty hop aroma, citrus-y but more on the pith side.
- Taste: Superbly hoppy, developing throughout the taste, with a long-lasting finish. The malts are there but just barely enough to give some body and balance.
- Mouthfeel: Nice and heavy to carry the hops. Not resin-y with a clean finish. Carbonation is higher than most DIPAs I've had but not unpleasant.
- Drinkability and Overall: Really nice DIPA at 8.5%ABV. No session beer and maybe a bit intense to sit around drink a couple, but still a solid beer.
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