Friday, August 19, 2011

Vigilance Petite Sirah 2009.

Picked a few wines the other week from BevMo. It's a bit weird to think that I have not drank any wine this summer, despite being in the most well-known wine producing state. Then again, this is also craft brew country for me. So cheers.

Sourced from Red Hills, Lake County. Tasting notes on the bottle: 25.0 and 26.5 degrees Brix, French and American oak for 18 months; "Well balanced wine. Notes of Blueberry, Blackberry, and creamy vanilla." I am getting primarily blueberry but the tannins are super astringent on this one. Extremely tight off the pop and pour. I'll only have a glass or two tonight and see how it does with some breathing time tomorrow.

After a day of exposure, the tannins have unwound a lot, making it finally drinkable. The typical velvet is present. Berry flavors are all accounted for, though a bit flat. Grape jam, even more blueberry, with barely a blackberry tart. Nothing offensive but nothing to write home about. Of the $10-12 class PSes I've had, this is solidly in there. I should probably try harder on these reviews too.

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