Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Woesten-Vleteren Westoek.

A loose bottle from WF's Belgian beer section. After the Arend, I was looking forward to this one. Upon closer inspection of the bottle, this is indeed imported but has a weird label. Ok, gave it a pour, and it looks ok. Gave it a smell. No spice, no sweetness, just some wood, sour fruit, and a bit of funk. Taste is flat, thin on the malt, thin on every nuance except for that metallic finish. It's both weird and totally plain at the same time. I can't really quite put my finger on it. I'm nto even sure what kind of beer this is supposed to be. From context, I would assume a dubbel or tripel. Strength, 6%ABV, would lean towards dubbel. It looks a little like a dubble. But it doesn't smell or taste like a double. What gives?

A gander at BA says this is supposed to be a tripel and reviews are mixed. It averages a B+ but I saw a few Cs on the most recent reviews. Bad bottle maybe or just a regional twist on the style. Some other folks picked up on floral, and that might be the weirdness I perceived before. Lilac was mentioned, I would add lavender and a notion of flower petals.

  • Appearance: Amber-y brown, but more on the brown side. Appears transparent and clear against the light.
  • Smell: Fruity, musty. Metallic, like nickel. Some funky yeast going on.
  • Taste: Nondescript. A touch of wood, metal on the finish. There's some thin malt, a tiny bit of hop bitter. No fruits, phenols, esters.
  • Mouthfeel: Pretty flat, almost no carb on the tongue but a steady stream of bubbles is visible.
  • Drinkability and Overall:

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