Friday, September 16, 2011

Grand Teton Pursuit of Hoppiness Imperial Red Ale.

Since I seem to be on a roll with Grand Teton thus far, I thought I'd try out some of the bombers, which had decent reviews on BA. I picked up Lost Continent along with Pursuit of Hoppiness. The first thing by which I'm struck (typed struct initially -> too much kernel time; also debated on whether to use '=' or '=='. Thought about it and decided to go with the less ambiguous implication arrow. In the time I've taken to type the last sentence, I've reevaluated my position and decided that '=' would be semantically more appropriate than '=='. But I'm sticking with the implication arrow.) is the name: Pursuit of Hoppiness. This is, in fact, an imperial red ale, not an imperial IPA. I thought that was a strange name for a red ale. After pulling off the silly color-coordinated foil cap, I was greeted with a blank gold cap. Bummer.

First, let me say this beer is not very good. This basically is a Killians at imperial strength. My initial sniff was a pretty off-putting coppery (as in metallic) smell, the kind you get on your hands after handling a lot of loose change, plus an intermittent fishy smell. So we're off to a terrible start. Fantastic. The taste is flat malty and metallic. Very rarely do I say this about a beer (Denogginizer), but fuck this shit. Maybe a bad bottle, but seriously, this thing is really terrible. This is should probably be renamed something like Pursuit of Sadness. Or Boner-killer. It is that terrible.

At 8.5%ABV and $8 for the bomber, it's only on par for QPR. The upshot is that the beer after this is probably going to taste great.

  • Appearance: Standard red ale; frothy head with some awkward off-on curtains.
  • Smell: Metallic and fishy. Yuck.
  • Taste: Very 1-D malty but not really on the level of an imperial. Tinny taste, like a skunky can.
  • Mouthfeel: Viscosity on par for an imperial, standard weight. Carbing is not unusually low, but I'm annoyed enough with this beer to hold it against it.
  • Drinkability and Overall: DO NOT WANT. There are much better tasting red ales and at this price point. Trying this only makes me want to make sure I pick up some Rogue Santa's Little Helper this year.

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